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Title:Schloß Gripsholm
Author:Kurt Tucholsky
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 141 pages
Published:2006 by Anaconda (first published 1931)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. European Literature. German Literature. Cultural. Germany
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Schloß Gripsholm Hardcover | Pages: 141 pages
Rating: 3.84 | 1357 Users | 105 Reviews

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Um den Berliner Sorgen zu entfliehen, verbringen der Ich-Erzähler und seine Geliebte, »Prinzessin« Lydia, einen mehrwöchigen Urlaub auf dem wunderschönen schwedischen Schloss Gripsholm. Besuch aus der Hauptstadt von Lydias Freundin Billie bricht die romantische Zweisamkeit auf und es entspinnt sich, auch in erotischer Hinsicht, ein sommerlich-zartes, reizvolles Spiel einer Liebe zu dritt. Erst als sie gemeinsam ein kleines Mädchen aus einem tyrannisch geführten, nahe gelegenen Kinderheim befreien, wird die verträumte Leichtigkeit ihrer »Idylle auf Zeit« empfindlich gestört. Die Begegnung mit Angst und Unterdrückung ruft sie ins wirkliche Leben zurück.(Amazon)

Define Books Toward Schloß Gripsholm

Original Title: Schloss Gripsholm: Eine Sommergeschichte
ISBN: 3938484713 (ISBN13: 9783938484715)
Edition Language: German

Rating Based On Books Schloß Gripsholm
Ratings: 3.84 From 1357 Users | 105 Reviews

Weigh Up Based On Books Schloß Gripsholm
I doubt that I'll manage to write a proper full review, so let's me try to sum it up really quickly: such a wonder-wonder-wonderfull book! So much love, so much friendship ("Freundschaft, das ist wie Heimat." -- "Friendship, this is like home."), such wonderful characters, such a perfect, light language (I guess it makes this book not translatable, sadly), such an incredibly light, happy tone. Light, but not shallow. Oh, not shallow at all. And some incredible surprises for a book written in the

I actually read this in a collection of Tucholsky works, also a Kindle edition. I read it at the suggestion of a German friend and was rather surprised when I searched for it on Amazon and found it sometimes listed as erotic literature! This seemed to be entirely due to a couple of pages that describe a menage a trois indulged in by the main characters (an unmarried couple) and a female friend. O tempora, o mores! I doubt that anyone today would find the book even mildly titillating.It ends up

The orphanage headmistress is supposed to be Hitler (and the authors mother).

The way Tucholsky is playing with the language is amazing. I wonder if it is possible to translate the book into another language - and I am afraid it is not. For all the word games and playful syntax Schloss Gripsholm seems as a love story not only between Kurt and his princess Lydia, but also between all the main characters (thus the author himself) and language - the postcards and telegrams exchanged between Karlchen and Kurt, the way Lydia mixes dialect with her very own version of German is the perfect summer book and that I read it in November makes my longing for the next summer even stronger. It refutes all prejudices that literature written by German authors has to be serious, heavy, distant, humorless, difficult, and boring.The narrator - who can very easily be taken for the author - is off for his summer holidays. He is an author publishing for Rowohlt, then and now one of the best addresses for writers in Germany and an - invented -

I've been on a bit of a Weimar kick lately with my reading choices and I think this is a good one to end this little phase of mine, although it has been a lovely month of reading. This book is a bit of a microcosm of this feeling, since tells the simple tale of a perfect vacation that has to end. It follows two Berliners as they let a room in a beautiful Swedish castle near a lake in the country. They spend most of their time swimming, eating, drinking, and lazing about. A few interludes include

May 2019 NYRB Selection Look at that cover. Whats not to love? And then you have lines like this, I looked at the two herrings, the two herrings looked a me, and none of us said anything (25). On one level the story is about a man and his lover going on vacation to Sweden. One the other hand is it that or the story the character wrote about two people going on vacation. Then it is also a story of saving a child from an ogre. There is humor in this story, this fairy tale about a tale. The names


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